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Real Estate Dictionary


A city, town, or other district which has corporate existence and local government.


Yielding of priority rights.

Open-End Mortgage

A mortgage containing a clause that permits the mortgagor to borrow additional money up to the original loan amount or beyond, at any time, and usually includes a stated maximum total indebtedness.

Government Lot

A lot in a government rectangular survey, which is referenced by government survey not by section, township, and range.

Approved Attorney

An attorney whose opinion is acceptable to a title company as the basis for issuance of a title insurance policy by the insurer. The insurer, rather than the attorney, executes the policy.


Lacking the legal capacity to perform a particular act.

Eminent Domain

The right of a government to take private property for public use upon payment of just compensation.

General Partnership

An association of two or more persons who are co-owners of a business for profit.


One who grants a lease of real property; a landlord.

American Land Title Association

Organization composed of title insurance firms which sets standards for the industry, including title insurance policy forms used on a national basis.


A grant by a government that confers upon the recipient the sole right to use, control, and dispose of land.


An estimate of value of property resulting from analysis of facts about the property; an opinion of value.

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